Today it looks even better, the most cloudy spot is getting less cloudy, and overall or might be a bit smaller. I think we are going to the Apple Blossom show this weekend!
Abbey is still on stall rest tomorrow and we leave Friday, so hopefully it's even better by then. I think I am going to be able to stop obsessing over the whole thing tomorrow, and I'm sure K will be happy about that since I've been on the high maintenance side this week ðŽ.
Took a late night bareback ride, which is not great for my back...Sciatic nerve issues from training for a few marathons (notice I said training not running... Too many injuries!) Also it's difficult to make Abbey go correctly when I'm out of whack and she's confused about my aids without spurs, etc. Just more practice I guess.
Anywhodle, I'm off to sleep! Nighty night blogosphere... Wonder if anyone will read this ever, besides me.